How are you?
No, I'm really glad to hear that. I'm doing pretty good too. I'm finally putting something on my style blog I started many months back. You see, I love being "fashionable," and "fashion" to a certain extent as well. I make a lot of my own clothes, and maybe some day I can make some of yours too. That is the hope. In the meantime, I've become sort of a lurky follower of many fashion blogs, which are apparently very popular and I've only just lately come across the idea. It seems right up my alley! Not only do I love talking to people about my clothes, I am looking for more opportunities to kind of showcase what I do style-wise, since it's what I ultimately want to do with my life and am not very good at "selling" myself. This may be kind of a passive way to do that. Unfortunately, I am not great at photography, and am limited by what my camera-phone can do, so I may do more harm than good by posting pictures here, but since no one is paying any attention yet I'm just going to go for it! So without further ado, here's my first Fancy Friday installment. It's a tradition that has been (sort 0f) upheld by me and some of my co-workers, and this was the first day in a while that we got it together enough to actually follow through. Too bad it was because it was our founder's last Friday, and without him leading the way I don't know if anyone else will do it ever again. Really, though...I am pretty fancy most days. Only this day involved feathers. Please enjoy!

jacket, thrifted
strapless wiggle dress, Anthropologie
skinny belt, Forever 21
shoes, Payless
hairpiece, handcrafted